
Trial Measures for Management of Special Allowance for Famous Teac♌hers, Doctors and Experts of 🍨Dongguan[2017-05-22]

《Trial Measures for Management of Special Allowance for Famous Teachers, Doctors and Experts of Dongguan》.doc

Implementation Methods for Characteristic Talent 🌌Pol🦄icies of Dongguan[2017-05-22]

《Implementation Methods for Characteristic Talent Policies of Dongguan》.doc

Trial Measures 💞for Encouraging Flexible Introduction of Overseas Experts to Dongguan of Dongguan[2017-05-22]

《Trial Measures for Encouraging Flexible Introduction of Overseas Experts to Dongguan of Dongguan》.doc

Implementation Methods for Promoting Technological and Financial Development of💞 Songshan Lake (Biopark) 🌳of Dongguan[2017-05-22]

  Chapter I general rules  Article 1 with a view to the implementation of the people's government of guangdong province to accelerate the opinions on some policy of science and technology innovati

Te🦋mporary Metho♓ds for Listing Incentive of Songshan Lake (Biopark) of Dongguan.[2017-05-22]

  Chapter I general rules  Article 1 with a view to promoting science and technology, finance, industry depth fusion, accelerate the development of financial innovation of science and technology, enco

The detailed rules for the implementation of the qualif⭕ied personnel for the entry of the dongguan mark🔯et.[2017-05-22]

Measures to implement special policies for the special talents of dongguan cityEvaluation ofmoneyTreatment of lifemanagementEvaluation criteriaprovenanceFunding and awardsprovenanceLiving/medical care

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