
๊Mathematical Engineering Academy of Chinese Medicine[2017-05-22]

Founded in July 2007, the Mathematical Engineering Academy of Chinese Medicine is an innovative industry-university-research cooperation platform jointly funded by Dongguan Municipal People’s Governme

📖金年会体育:Ranger Total Pharmaceutical Analysis Platform[2017-05-22]

Ranger Analyticals Co., Ltd. is a branch set up by HT Laboratories in China. Founded in San Diego in 2010, the 15-year-old HT Laboratories is long engaged in chemical analytical researches and outsour

🐻Animal Laboratory Base of Southern Medical University[2017-05-22]

Jointly founded in March 2010 by Southern Medical University and Songshan Lake Administrative Committee, the Songshan Lake Animal Science Park of Southern Medical University is invested with RMB 65 mi

✨Songshan Lake Biopharmaceutical Engineering Center[2017-05-22]

Approved to be established by the Science and Technology Commission of Guangdong Province, the Songshan Lake Biopharmaceutical Engineering Center is a public R&D platform of biopharmaceuticals joi

金年会体育:Songshan Lake One-stop Service Center[2017-05-22]

The Songshan Lake (Bipark) Citizen Center is a service center established to optimize the government service model, advance the reform of Internet+ administrative service and implement the government

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