
Songshan Lake One-stop Service Center

Time:2017-05-22 15:54:19


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ไThe Songshan Lake (Bipark) Citizen Center is a service center established to optimize the government service model, advance the reform of Internet+ administrative service and implement the government service model reform of One Door, One Network. Located in the original One-stop Office Hall, the Center has an office area of 3,500 square meters, designed with such functional areas as Service Guide Area, Form Filling Area, Queuing & Waiting Area, Consulting & Certificate Issuance Area, Counter Service Area, Science Exhibition Area, and Cafe Area. Diversified and thoughtful services are provided in response to the requirements of different individuals and enterprises.

🍰It’s understood that the Center has 27 regular departments. The 80 service counters opened are divided into 6 categories, people’s livelihood, company incorporation, engineering construction, project investment, public security and tax payment. About 700 administrative approvals can be provided, 35% of which can be obtained the same day.

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