
Guangdong Medical University-Dongguan Held Sino-Japanese Medical Education Exchanges

Time:2016-12-07 09:37:58


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🎃  Recently two exchanges on Sino-Japanese medical education were hosted in the Guangdong Medical University-Dongguan.

🥀  The morning of November 30 saw the 18th Sino-Japanese Medical Education Exchange Conference held in the Administrative Lecture Hall of the Guangdong Medical University-Dongguan. Mr. Kawahara, deputy director of Pharmaceutical Science of Osaka College of Medical Technology, administrative officials and specialization leaders of the Guangdong Medical University, and 200 students from both sides attended the conference.

ౠ  Themed with How Technological Innovations Promote Future Life, the exchange featured both Chinese and Japanese students presenting their research achievements. Students from the Department of Information Engineering of the Guangdong Medical University demonstrated the class attending and supervision system, simple-3D fiber simulation works, elderly anti-fall alarm, wearable ear temperature monitoring system and other innovative technological results. Japanese student Hiraguchi introduced the elderly drug project in response to the aging population. The creativity and practical operation ability of the students from the two colleges have been fully manifested.

🔜  Mr. Kawahara from Osaka College of Medical Technology pointed out that the two colleges had exchanged with each other and worked together for 20 years, delivering impressive cooperation and exchange results. He hoped that the two colleges could improve and expand cooperation models to continuously provide an exchange platform for the teachers and students from both sides.

♒  From November 26 to December 21, 45 teachers and students specialized in acupuncture, moxibustion and sports medicine from Jikei College of High Technology and specialized in pharmaceutical Science of Osaka College from Medical Technology completed their one-week Practical Training of Clinical Foundation Medicine and recreational educational exchange activities in the Guangdong Medical University-Dongguan.

ᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚ  Deputy Director Jia Zhenbin of Office of Academic Affairs of Guangdong Medical University presented the Course Training Certificate to all Japanese students at the Course Completion Ceremony. He revealed that it was the 9th delegation of Jikei College of High Technology for Practical Training of Clinical Foundation Medicine and recreational educational exchange activities in the Guangdong Medical University-Dongguan. It fully reflected the recognition of Japanese teachers and students to the teaching staff and educational level of Guangdong Medical University-Dongguan. This teaching model of cooperative practice has been a good learning process for both parties. He hoped that each cooperative training in the future could bring both parties bigger and better results.

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