
Molecular Diagnostics Technology Conference Held in Songshan Lake

Time:2016-10-26 12:05:48


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🌺  The 235th CAE Engineering Technology Forum-Molecular Diagnostics Technology & the 7th China Molecular Diagnostics Technology Conference were held in Hyatt Hotel Songshan Lake from the 21st to the 22nd. This grand biotech event was joined by 700 experts, scholars and industry representatives from about 30 domestic and international colleges, hospitals, research institutes and enterprises, including multiple CAS and CAE academicians. Vice Governor Yuan Baocheng of Guangdong Province attended the opening ceremony.

𝐆  As a host government representative, Vice Governor Yuan Baocheng pointed out that Guangdong Province has always attached great importance to technology-driven innovation and is in the top rank in terms of total output value and number of enterprises in bio-pharmaceutical industry. It’s hoped that experts and business representatives joining the Conference could put forward valuable advice to the development of Guangdong’s biotech industry. Lastly, he expected more cutting-edge biological technologies and results to be industrialized in Guangdong Province.

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