
Core Corporate Values
  • Cooperation

  • Communication

  • Dedication

  • Progress

  • Innovation

Corporate Cultural Events

金年会体育:Q1 2017 Employee Birthday Party Held


To show our care to our employees, enhance the employees’ degree of recognition and sense of belonging, help them fit into the Company and improve team cohesiveness, the Q1 2017 Employee Birthday Part

金年会体育:In🐈tern🐷al Trainings—Status Quo of Biotech Industry


To better enhance the overall corporate management level, meet the requirements of corporate strategy, improve employee competence and create a total staff learningatmosphere, regular internal trainin

金年会体育:Outbound Activities Or💞ganized by the Company


To enhance the emotional interaction among the employees, develop their awareness of team working and enrich their sparetime life, the Company organized the outbound activities at the end of December

金年会体育:Employees Joined the Mini-marathon


The 8-km Mini-marathon was unfolded in Songshan Lake on March 27, 2016, 8:00 a.m., where our employees could be spotted. Led by the staff of Dongguan Biotechnology Industry Association, employees Xiao

金年会体育:Fun Sports Meet


The afternoon of August 26 saw the fun sports meet of Dongguan Biotech held in the Basketball Gym of Songshan Lake Experimental Primary School. The sports meet was organized to enhance the collaborati

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